Linda Tang JP CFP

I migrated to Australia in the year of 1998 and started my career in banking sector ever after. Being a relatively new migrant, I was very fortunate to be invited to join Way In Network in Y2000 and started uninterruptedly in the committee board since then. From WIN, I had earned friendship, spiritual support, network development while assisting the Association to serve the minorities from all walks of life.
When I look back now, I might have taken for granted that much I have been given by WIN if the new migrant woman ie myself had not taken the decision to join WIN. My WIN sisters had helped me to achieve a better me in the sense of fuller life, a kind and determined character, readiness to help & support the community; also fostered support to fellow members.
I feel humbled and fortunate to have elected as the President of WIN Y2013 – 15, that required courage and responsibility to ensure the great work of my predecessors would well carry on.
In that term of Presidency, with the tremendous support and guidance of past presidents such as Florence Chau JP, Annie Tang JP and fellow committees, I have taken note on the following highlights:
2014 Charity Ball – had first led WIN to a role of mainstream women affairs – as we were appointed as the Ethic Ambassador of Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation. Fund was raised for AGCF , and also donated AUD$100,000 to the first English learning computer centre to a high school in Zhaoqing China.
2015 Fund Raising Dinner Gala – proceeds was to fund the next year’s WIN support to the poor and disadvantaged as part of the Guang Xi China Vision expedition in 2016.
In my term of presidency, I was delighted to have organised 3 Annual Elderly Lunch in Y2013, 14 and 15.
During the 2 years, we had also funded those in need by donating to other worthy causes such as donations to CanRevive for their new Centre of Sydney west region helping their remote patients; to associations servicing children of special needs etc.
We had also made visits to the elderly care centres, and brought laughter and fun to the less mobile elders.
We were granted a Certificate on community service achievement in Y2014 by NSW Parliament.
Apart from helping others, a numbers of member networking and informative events were organised such as health talk by Professor Danforn Lim & fellow Rosanna Ng; seminar for HKETO on Second Generation of Hong Kong Migrants back to work in Hong Kong at Hong Kong.
The innovative initiative of making the first uniform for WIN members had made our members manifested most both inner and outer beauty; and enhance our image as a group of “purple angels” and “purple power”.
Instead of saying how much I have been contributing, I am humbled to say that how much I have gained. I deeply believe that without all these experiences, I could not be a better me as now; and would proudly proclaim that I am a Way In member.
Thank you all my Way In sisters, Hon President and past presidents. I feel a tied knot with WIN and you all. It will be my greatest pleasure to continue servicing the communities through Way In!
Wish the best for WIN under the present leadership of Annie Tang JP and all committees!