Donation of Emergency Supplies to Xiaozhai Village & Longsheng Primary School in China

Xiaozhai Village, Longji Town, Longsheng County, Guangxi Province suffered a huge fire on 30th September 2018. The disaster was very serious and there were 29 homes together with Xiaozhai Primary School were destroyed in the fire.

In 2016 some of the Way In ladies joined with the delegation to visit the students at this mountainous elementary school and prepared the necessity gift including chair, tables and bedding for the students.

It’s a heartbreaking news to the ladies of Way In; so, the committee and members crowdfunding the emergency supplies to the victims and the students. One hundred sets of bedding were order and immediately sent over to the victims including the students.

We thank you for a total of $27,500 cash donation made by following members and organisation, of which $8,000 has been transferred to Xiaozhao Village to purchase emergency supplies and the rest of the fund will be used for future reconstruction of the mountainous elementary school.

No. Donation by
1 Annie Tang
2 Maggie Lo
3 CoCo Zhou
4 Rita He/Bourtsev
5 Elizabeth Pang
6 Gabby Kwok
7 Felicia Hon
8 Nicole He
9 Florence Chau
10 Elsa Shum
11 Monica Chu
12 Rosy Li
13 Lisa Harris
14 Elaine Kong
15 Jessie Xiao
16 Faith Tan
17 Anny Chan
18 Daisy Lam
19 Ellie Huang
20 Queeny Ho
21 Linda Lam
22 Eliza 李翠琼
23 June He
24 Angela Yang
25 Mandy Van
26 Cindy Li
27 Eugenia Lieu
28 Brenda Xiao
29 Milly Yang
30 Mo Yu
31 Linda Tang
32 慧賢會

Follow-up report (1):

The second phase of the donation is about $13,443 for the road construction project of Xiaozhai Primary School after the disaster.

So far, the school has been temporarily placed in the village. Reconstruction of new school building was carried out on the original school site in the winter of 2018. Whether the new semester can be commenced on time depends on whether the buidling project can be approved and continued in the near future. Despite of this, the widening of road project to the school is still urgent, and it is the key to the progress of new school building project.

Xiaozhai Primary School Road Construction Budget
To ensure school’s post-disaster reconstruction work can be carried out smoothly and the safety of students’ transportation to school. People in Xiaozhai Village have already started on road construction work. The length of the road section is 400 meters from the interface to the school gate, the width is 3 meters, and the hardening thickness is 15 centimeters. Total funds for construction material and staff food allowance are around RMB 63,720.

After the road is completed, it will not only facilitate students to go to school in the future, but also bring convenience to daily life of people living there. The village’s committee arranges the progress of this project and budget. Concurrent receipts will be provided to Way In Network. After completion of this project, Way In Network will be awarded on the plaque for donation of building the road.

Follow-up report (2):

We have recently received following thank you letter & photos from the teacher of Xiaozhai Primary School.







Follow-up report (3):

姊妹們的捐款餘額A$6357 -直寄存在戶口,直至在一月中知道山區一戶人家,家中兒子做完心臟手術後不冶,留下幾個月的初生女嬰,當年扶貧的隊員包括Annie,Florence, Elsa, Milly 及Rosy都認識這位失去兒子的母親——春珍姐,她一直幫助山區的種茶戶在她山下的小店售賣,但三年的疫情以及家裏的特變,令她很無助。會長Annie將她的事故和committee 會員商討,大家都同意將餘款捐贈給這貧困家庭作應急之用。
