Milly Yang

Milly Yang landed on the Australian soil on 1 May 1992, the International Workers’ Day. She always makes jokes herself that this indicates her fate to work hard in Australia. She firstly started as an employee and worked for food related industry from 1995. Then she founded her own business in 1999 and now it becomes a very famous & trusted brand named Heng Fai Trading Company which specialises in food trading and importing.
Milly always has her vision and mission for her business, committed to bring the best quality Chinese food and edible ingredients here, and sharing all these delicacies with friends and customers. Because making money is not the top priority of running this company, she feels very blessed that her business has indeed brought her reasonable profits. Therefore, she believes that she should give back to the community.
The reason why she was attracted to Way in Network and proudly became a member and now a committee: She recalled that she first met some of the Way in Network core committees who were dressed elegantly and looked very friendly when she hosted a Heng Fai counter in one year’s TVB Carnival. And through other interactions, she also found that those Ms. Way In were very capable and worked hard for their careers. And when they got together to involve in charity works, they all collaborated and contributed to their common beliefs and values of helping others with enthusiasm.
Milly wishes to continue helping the community through practical work and financial support where needed through the Way in platform. And to help train the next generation continue to implement such missions and values.