2CK Media:慧賢三十二載慈善晚會在悉尼成功举办



會長表示,“今年好開心有各方大力支持,慧賢會旨在通過向Médecins Sans Frontières 無國界醫生和The Warrior Woman Foundation女性專項捐款,來賦予女性力量。此外,我們正在組織一系列的女性賦能研討會,旨在探討當代女性面臨的問題。您的慷慨捐助將確保我們通過慧賢緊急基金儲備的持續資助,能夠實現我們幫助他人的使命。”

“回顧參加慧賢會21年後的今天,我對創始人,所有歷任前會長及所有會員長久以來的各項善舉表示敬佩, 感謝大家總是互相支持鼓勵,能夠擔任慧賢會最年輕的會長深感榮幸。正如許多人所說,“強大的力量帶來伟大的責任”,這份力量來自於我們會中所有傑出女士的集體能量中,她們以自豪之情,共同努力打造更強大且充滿愛心的社會!





Ms Julia Finn MP – Granville选区的新州议员,代表新州州長The Hon. Chris Minns出席

The Hon. Mark Speakman SC MP – Cronulla选区的新州议员,新州反對黨領袖

Mr Timothy Chau – 香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處副處長周天諾先生

Cr Robert Kok – 悉尼市议员郭耀文先生


Consul Yang Hu – 中华人民共和国驻悉尼总领事馆胡阳领事

Mr Mark Coure MP – Oatley 选区的新洲议员

Mr Jason Yat-Sen Li MP – Strathfield 选区的新洲议员

The Hon. Cr Philip Ruddock – Hornsby Shire Council議會市長

Councillor Barbara – Ward of Ku-ring-gai Council議會選區議員

Paul Dunstan, St George Police Area 指揮官,總警司

慧賢會榮譽顧問鄧小穎被提名為本次晚會主席。她致感謝詞時表示:“作為前會長兼晚會主席,我由衷感謝各位嘉賓在百忙中抽出時間前來出席慧賢會成立三十二載慈善晚會。你們的慷慨解囊將為Médecins Sans Frontières無國界醫生組織和Warrior Woman 基金會帶來有意義的貢獻和改變。“

“本次慈善晚會籌集到的善款將用於支持無國界醫生組織的生命救援人道主義工作,為世界各地的弱勢群體提供基本的醫療保障服務。此外,籌集到的其餘部分善款將捐助給Warrior Woman 基金會,該基金會主要是為少數弱勢的年輕女性提供身體健康、心理健康和財務等方面的支援項目。”



“我們以慧賢會三十二載的時間, 記錄下許多會員獨特的人生經歷,解讀她們各自的價值觀和成功背後的人生智慧,這對不同年代的女性來說是非常鼓舞的。這本珍藏集中,世界知名的獲獎攝影師Andy Cheung先生鏡頭下的姊妹們展現出獨特的精神面貌和優雅氣質。感謝這個項目的造型總監兼慧賢會執委Polly Chan女士,她在澳洲和香港都有多年化妝和造型經驗。這本珍藏集收錄了十九位慧賢會會員和一些其他社團女性領袖的故事,用照片和文字分享她們寶貴的生活經歷、取得的成就和對未來的展望。



Polly Chan

Judy Chan

Florence Chau JP

Jennifer Cheung

Eliza Chung

June He JP

Rita He

Ivy Ho

Ellie Huang

Josephine Lam OAM

Eugenia Lieu JP

Maggie Lo

Sue Luo

Rosanna Ng JP

The Hon. Helen Sham-Ho OAM JP

Annie Tang JP

Linda Tang JP CFP

Brenda Xiao

Jessie Xiao CA

Milly Yang

演出節目精彩紛呈,帶給現場來賓極為震撼的聽覺和視覺享受。包括Tamara Guo郭左戎女士演唱經典曲目,木蘭舞蹈工作室的優雅舞蹈和二胡演奏家韓石的精彩演奏。


無國界醫生組織的籌款部門主管 Sophie McNamara女士介紹了他們所做的工作,並感謝慧賢會的這次善舉讓更多人瞭解他們,並為無國界醫生組織的孕產婦保健和瘻管病項目捐款。

Warrior Woman基金會的項目專員Jessica Brown女士介紹了她們所做的工作,並感謝慧賢會這次善舉讓更多人瞭解他們,並為弱勢年輕女性提供的幫助。




白金贊助商 (按字母順序排列):
Advisory Centre for Australian Education澳洲留學移民中心Castle GroupHeng Fai Trading Co. Pty Ltd恆輝貿易有限公司HKETO Sydney 香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處National Auto Glass SuppliesThe Eight八樂居王老吉
 銀贊助商(按字母順序排列):Australian Chinese Jockey Club    澳洲悉尼華人賽馬會Banna Property GroupCommunity Bank Darling SquareDynasty KaraokeGCAA Health康樂大健康Guardian FundsSunsolis Legal 盛迪律師事務所Tiara Nail SpaVinco Architectural Hardware 
Amen LeeChristian Louboutin
Handpicked Wines, Moutai/DMG  Fine WineLotteMuseNorth Sydney Academy of Music/Lotus  CharityShum’s Watches & Jewellery岑氏鐘錶首飾行
The Black Grape Society  (Penfolds)
The Eight八樂居
Tamara Guo著名歌星郭左戎Mulan Dance Studio 木兰舞蹈工作室Han Shi 二胡演奏家 韓石
慈善捐款(按字母順序排列):Faith Family TrustLisa HarrisDr Richard HoElaine KongVincent KongElizabeth PangQueeny PunDr Dominic PakLinda WongCoco Zhou
 社團/企業支持(按字母順序排列):Australian Chinese Community  Association of NSWAustralian Chinese Charity  Foundation Inc.Australian Nursing Home  FoundationAustralia Shunde Association of  Commerce Inc.Australian Women United  AssociationChina Vision Inc.Differently Abled People  Associations Inc.EttasonHaymarket Chamber of CommerceHong Kong Australia Business  Association NSWHong AustraliaLions Club of Sydney Chinese IncLions Club of Sydney All BrightLions Club of Sydney Pacific IncLions Club of Sydney SunnyLions Club of Sydney WaratahRotary Club of North RydeShunde Association of Australia  Inc. 美術贊助:Advisory Centre for Australian Education澳洲留學移民中心 飲品贊助:
維他 Vita




会长表示,“今年好开心有各方大力支持,慧贤会旨在通过向Médecins Sans Frontières 无国界医生和The Warrior Woman Foundation女性专项捐款,来赋予女性力量。此外,我们正在组织一系列的女性赋能研讨会,旨在探讨当代女性面临的问题。您的慷慨捐助将确保我们通过慧贤紧急基金储备的持续资助,能够实现我们帮助他人的使命。”

“回顾参加慧贤会21年后的今天,我对创始人,所有历任前会长及所有会员长久以来的各项善举表示敬佩, 感谢大家总是互相支持鼓励,能够担任慧贤会最年轻的会长深感荣幸。正如许多人所说,“强大的力量带来伟大的责任”,这份力量来自于我们会中所有杰出女士的集体能量中,她们以自豪之情,共同努力打造更强大且充满爱心的社会! 我深信通过我们的故事,可以激励更多女性能挺身而出伸出援手,加入我们的行列一同为社会作出贡献,培育美好未来新一代!” “今次好开心有各方大力支持,很感谢多位赞助商的支持和善长人翁的慷慨解囊,为各地妇女提供社区服务,给更多女性带来美好将来。”


晚会邀请到尊贵的嘉宾,共同见证和庆祝慧贤会成立三十二载这具有里程碑意义的重要时刻。Ms Julia Finn MP – Granville选区的新州议员,代表新州州長The Hon. Chris Minns出席The Hon. Mark Speakman SC MP – Cronulla选区的新州议员,新州反對黨領袖
Mr Timothy Chau – 香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處副處長周天諾先生Cr Robert Kok – 悉尼市议员郭耀文先生除了上述的各位發言人,我們也榮幸地邀請到了許多尊貴的嘉賓蒞臨此次盛會。Consul Yang Hu – 中华人民共和国驻悉尼总领事馆胡阳领事Mr Mark Coure MP – Oatley 选区的新洲议员Mr Jason Yat-Sen Li MP – Strathfield 选区的新洲议员The Hon. Cr Philip Ruddock – Hornsby Shire Council議會市長Councillor Barbara – Ward of Ku-ring-gai Council議會選區議員Paul Dunstan, St George Police Area 指揮官,總警司

慧贤会荣誉顾问邓小颖被提名为本次晚会主席。她致感谢词时表示:“作为前会长兼晚会主席,我由衷感谢各位嘉宾在百忙中抽出时间前来出席慧贤会成立三十二载慈善晚会。你们的慷慨解囊将为Médecins Sans Frontières无国界医生组织和Warrior Woman 基金会带来有意义的贡献和改变。“

“本次慈善晚会筹集到的善款将用于支持无国界医生组织的生命救援人道主义工作,为世界各地的弱势群体提供基本的医疗保障服务。此外,筹集到的其馀部分善款将捐助给Warrior Woman 基金会,该基金会主要是为少数弱势的年轻女性提供身体健康、心理健康和财务等方面的支援项目。”



“我们以慧贤会三十二载的时间, 记录下许多会员独特的人生经历,解读她们各自的价值观和成功背后的人生智慧,这对不同年代的女性来说是非常鼓舞的。这本珍藏集中,世界知名的获奖摄影师Andy Cheung先生镜头下的姊妹们展现出独特的精神面貌和优雅气质。感谢这个项目的造型总监兼慧贤会执委Polly Chan女士,她在澳洲和香港都有多年化妆和造型经验。这本珍藏集收录了十九位慧贤会会员和一些其他社团女性领袖的故事,用照片和文字分享她们宝贵的生活经历、取得的成就和对未来的展望。


摄影珍藏集《睿智、瑰丽、美丽承传》参与名单如下(按字母顺序排列):Polly ChanJudy ChanFlorence Chau JPJennifer CheungEliza ChungJune He JPRita HeIvy HoEllie HuangJosephine Lam OAMEugenia Lieu JPMaggie LoSue LuoRosanna Ng JPThe Hon. Helen Sham-Ho OAM JPAnnie Tang JPLinda Tang JP CFPBrenda XiaoJessie Xiao CAMilly Yang

演出节目精彩纷呈,带给现场来宾极为震撼的听觉和视觉享受。包括Tamara Guo郭左戎女士演唱经典曲目,木兰舞蹈工作室的优雅舞蹈和二胡演奏家韩石的精彩演奏。本次晚宴慧贤会筹集到六万澳元善款,捐赠于两所受益机构,获得两个受益机构代表致词表示感谢。

无国界医生组织的筹款部门主管 Sophie McNamara女士介绍了他们所做的工作,并感谢慧贤会的这次善举让更多人瞭解他们,并为无国界医生组织的孕产妇保健和瘻管病项目捐款。

Warrior Woman基金会的项目专员Jessica Brown女士介绍了她们所做的工作,并感谢慧贤会这次善举让更多人瞭解他们,并为弱势年轻女性提供的帮助。 晚会最后慧贤会创会人兼名誉会长何沉慧霞博士向长期以来对慧贤会提供支持和鼓励的媒体朋友、所有善心人士和企业赞助商表示诚挚感谢。她概述了慧贤会三十多年来的成长历史,让大家大致了解慧贤会是如何通过会员们辛勤工作逐步发展起来,不仅为本地也为海外慈善项目筹集大量善款,以支持各种各样有价值的慈善事业回馈社会。最重要的是,她讚扬了一路以来在历届会长和执委会领导下的全体会员们为慈善事业不遗馀力的奉献精神和出色的凝聚力。



白金贊助商 (按字母順序排列):
Advisory Centre for Australian Education澳洲留學移民中心Castle GroupHeng Fai Trading Co. Pty Ltd恆輝貿易有限公司HKETO Sydney 香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處National Auto Glass SuppliesThe Eight八樂居王老吉
 銀贊助商(按字母順序排列):Australian Chinese Jockey Club    澳洲悉尼華人賽馬會Banna Property GroupCommunity Bank Darling SquareDynasty KaraokeGCAA Health康樂大健康Guardian FundsSunsolis Legal 盛迪律師事務所Tiara Nail SpaVinco Architectural Hardware 
Amen LeeChristian Louboutin
Handpicked Wines, Moutai/DMG  Fine WineLotteMuseNorth Sydney Academy of Music/Lotus  CharityShum’s Watches & Jewellery岑氏鐘錶首飾行
The Black Grape Society  (Penfolds)
The Eight八樂居
Tamara Guo著名歌星郭左戎Mulan Dance Studio 木兰舞蹈工作室Han Shi 二胡演奏家 韓石
慈善捐款(按字母順序排列):Faith Family TrustLisa HarrisDr Richard HoElaine KongVincent KongElizabeth PangQueeny PunDr Dominic PakLinda WongCoco Zhou
 社團/企業支持(按字母順序排列):Australian Chinese Community  Association of NSWAustralian Chinese Charity  Foundation Inc.Australian Nursing Home  FoundationAustralia Shunde Association of  Commerce Inc.Australian Women United  AssociationChina Vision Inc.Differently Abled People  Associations Inc.EttasonHaymarket Chamber of CommerceHong Kong Australia Business  Association NSWHong AustraliaLions Club of Sydney Chinese IncLions Club of Sydney All BrightLions Club of Sydney Pacific IncLions Club of Sydney SunnyLions Club of Sydney WaratahRotary Club of North RydeShunde Association of Australia  Inc. 美術贊助:Advisory Centre for Australian Education澳洲留學移民中心 飲品贊助:
維他 Vita

“Stories of Enchanted Wisdom” – Way In Network 32nd Anniversary Charity Ball

The anniversary ball was hosted at the Fullerton Hotel Sydney on Saturday, 22nd May 2024.

Ms Jessie Xiao CA (President) had her welcome speech, and said “I feel humbled and with my sincere thanks to all past presidents and members for having walked through this charitable journey, building a solid foundation with our unique culture and shared values, supporting each other and reaching out to those that are less fortunate and disadvantaged.”

Ms Annie Tang JP (Honorary Advisor) has been nominated as the event chair. In her speech, Ms. Annie Tang JP said “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our distinguished guests and event attendees, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to be with us this evening. Your presence here is a testament to your commitment to making a meaningful difference. 

Proceeds from the ball will support the life-saving humanitarian work of Médecins Sans Frontières, providing essential medical care to vulnerable populations worldwide. Additionally, a portion of the funds raised will go towards Warrior Woman Foundation with the initiatives focused on support programs for under -represented vulnerable young women for their physical, mental, and financial wellness.

To our generous sponsors and donors, we are deeply grateful for your unwavering support. Your donation and sponsorship have enabled us to host this event and maximize the funds we can direct towards the two worth causes. Your generosity is a shining example of corporate social responsibility, and we are honoured to have you as our partners in this endeavour.

My sincere appreciation to our dedicated team of exco members and volunteers, without whom this event would not have been possible. Your tireless efforts in organizing, coordinating, and executing every aspect of this fundraiser have been invaluable. Your commitment to this cause is truly admirable.“

Following guests of honour had their speech at Way In Network 32nd Anniversary Charity Ball.

Linda Tang, Hon Advisor of Way In Network, who was also the Project Head & Chief Editor of Way In’s yet to launch Collectable Photography Book “ Stories of Enchanted Wisdom” ( 睿智。瑰麗。美麗承傳)had briefed about this project “ With the 32 years of presence of Way In Network, many of our members had also evolved in their life history their unique experiences, value & wisdom which would be very inspiring to different generations of women. In this book we are capturing the spirits & unique story telling through images captured by world renowned & award winning photographer Mr Andy Cheung. Credits should also go to the project’s Director of Styling our committee member Polly Chan who has vast experience in beauty & styling both in Australia and Hong Kong. The book will feature these Way In members & other leading community females with their portraits and personal writings sharing their precious life experiences, achievements & aspirations.”

Linda had also introduced the featured women of the book & also thanked them for their generous donation for this great charity cause as all proceeds of the book will fund the charitable beneficiaries of Wayne In Network’s 32nd Anniversary Ball.

Thanks to our sponsors, we are proud to present auction items from a variety of luxury goods & gourmet experiences. And thanks to our long term supporters for sponsoring and supporting the event in various ways, including the various community groups

Ms Tamara Guo had her performance and supported women empowerment at the charity ball, she sang some of her renowned songs. Mulan Dance Group and Erhu Player Han Shi also had their excellent performance on the night.

Ms Sophie McNamara from Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders introduced the works that they do at their organisation, and thanked the Way In Network for raising awareness and donating to maternal health & fistula projects by MSF.

Ms Jessica Brown from The Warrior Woman Foundation introduced the works that they do at their organisation, and thanked the Way In Network for raising awareness and donating to the foundation to support the mentoring of vulnerable young females.

Thanks for the great support from auctioneer Scott Yung, and newly joined young auctioneer Oscar Chau. During auctions, silent auction, and raffles draws, we achieved excellent result from an expansive range of luxuries goods, banquet, wines, and experiences.

Swarovski Crystal Stalactite Candle Holder, bid by Howin Chui (donated by Shum’s Watch & Jewellery)

Loubi54 Clutch Fuxia/Gold, bid by Linda Wong (donated by Christian Louboutin)

East Meets West Wine Appreciation Experience, bid by Sam Luo – Taste of Shunde (donated by HandPicked and Kweichow Moutai)

Penfolds Bin 95 Grange Hermitage Shiraz 1.5L Magnum 1983, bid by Andy Mak (donated by Transways Amen Lee)

Montblanc Star Legacy Watch, bid by Jessie Xiao (donated by Lotte Duty Free)

Penfolds Private Dinner for 10, bid by Sunny Ngai – ABC Tissue (donated by The Black Grape Society)

Deluxe Buddhas Jump Over the Wall Seafood Banquet, bid by Sunny Ngai – ABC Tissue (donated by The Eight)

Vintage Multicolour Hermes Birkin, bid by Castle Group (donated by Muse Michelle Zhang)

18ct White Gold Yellow & White Diamond Pendant, bid by Sunny Ngai – ABC Tissue (donated by Academy of Music and Lotus Charity)

The Hon. Dr Helen Sham-Ho OAM JP, the founder of Way In Network presented her Vote of Thanks to the media friends, all the personal friends and corporate sponsors for their long term support & encouragement to Way In Network. She outlined the history of Way In, the gradual growth of the organisation, the hard work & contribution back to the local community, raising funds for both local & overseas charitable organisations to support worthy causes. Last but not least, she praised all the Way In sisters for their wonderful united efforts under the successive leadership of all the past presidents and committee throughout its history. 

Lastly great thanks to all this event volunteers for their hard working on the night.

2CK Media:慧贤会将于6月22日在悉尼举办“慧贤三十二载慈善晚会”